Mouth Cancer Action Month is a campaign dedicated to raising awareness of mouth cancer.
To kick-off the campaign, the United Kingdom's first comprehensive review into mouth cancer will be launched.
This review, called State of Mouth Cancer UK Report 2018/2019, looks at the very latest statistics for the disease, including:
- new incidence figures
- survival rates
- where the disease is most likely to appear
- trends over time
The report also investigates the nation's awareness of mouth cancer and how much is known about the risk factors and signs and symptoms of the disease. Finally, the report covers some key challenges and recommendations for the future.
We believe these will have an important impact on the landscape of mouth cancer in the years to come.
Some of the key facts highlighted within the report include:
- 8,300 Britons per year are now given the news they have mouth cancer.
- The number of cases has grown by 49% in the last ten years and by 135% in the last 20 years.
- 12% of British adults have not heard of mouth cancer, including 37% of 18-24-year-olds.
- 21% of us have had family members, friends or co-workers diagnosed with mouth cancer.
- 75% of us cannot identify the main signs and symptoms of mouth cancer.
From November 1st, will be a live page that you can visit to learn more.
For more information on how you can help us promote the wider campaign, please visit us at